What is Retail Logistics?

Whether you’re running a brick-and-mortar store or an e-commerce business, retail logistics makes sure that products are available when and where customers need them. This is where Lesters Logistics comes in. With years of expertise in managing logistics operations, we offer bespoke solutions designed to streamline your retail logistics processes. Contact us to find out […]


Sltpl Pick & Pack Service

Whether you’re an up-and-coming e-commerce business or an established project manager looking to improve your operations, understanding how 3PL works and the unique advantages it has can transform your approach to supply chain management.   Third-party logistics (3PL) providers like Lester’s Logistics play a pivotal role in streamlining the supply chain, offering solutions that allow businesses […]

How to reduce product damage 

Ensuring your goods are safe and secure is a priority for any business. Therefore, shipping and transporting your products in good condition is essential for satisfying your customers. Lesters Logistics has compiled some tips for reducing product damage from your cargo.  Know your cargo  Having a good understanding of your cargo is necessary for reducing […]

What is automotive logistics?

Automotive logistics refers to the storage and distribution of automotive parts across the supply chain. It involves overseeing the management of automotive components, large and small, that require fast and effective delivery to reduce downtime in automotive assembly, maintenance, and repairs. What is the importance of automotive logistics? The automotive logistics industry relies solely on […]

Pallets vs Crates: What is the difference?

Lester Logistics Warehouse Facilities

When transporting and storing cargo, pallets and crates are used as the appropriate packaging solution for the successful logistics of goods. But what exactly are they and what is the difference between them? Learn all you need to know in our simple guide. What is a pallet? A pallet is used in freight transport. It […]

A guide to fresh produce transportation

Fresh produce transportation For many consumers, the demand for fresh produce may not always align with seasonality. This poses a challenge for many wholesalers looking to transport summer fruit and veg, in the winter. This is where fresh produce transportation plays a crucial role in maintaining the quality and freshness from the country of origin, […]

Top tips for a sustainable warehouse

Lester Logistics Warehouse Facilities

What is a sustainable warehouse? Many businesses are taking the approach to reduce their emissions and carbon footprint in relation to their supply chains, why should sustainability end there? A warehouse provides an even greater opportunity to go green. The concept of a sustainable warehouse refers to the safe storage of goods that protects the […]

How to make your logistics company more sustainable

What is meant by sustainable logistics? Sustainable logistics refers to the reduction of emissions and pollution throughout the entire supply chain to help reduce the impact to the overall environment. From noise pollution, carbon footprint and fuel emissions – making the switch from a traditional logistics process to a more sustainable one can also increase […]

What is ADR transport

Lesters Transport & Logistics

What is ADR? ADR stands for ‘The Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road’ or short for the French meaning “Accord Dangereux Routier” – a treaty drawn up in Geneva 1957, under the supervision of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).  It is a European […]